QR Tune *


Edgewerks is Not responsible for any equipment in Rack.  Both parties understand and agree: Rack is unsecured and unattended 

Pickup & Departure

Enter info: Name, Phone #, Email, Card info.

Add to Notes: Just Wax, Add Wax, Special Structures, Degrees like (1, 2, 3, or .5, .7)

Write Name on chalk clip then clip to binding brakes or cables. Place ski in Rack.

We pick up gear between 3 pm and 4 pm. Bring to shop. Assess level of Tune needed and charge accordingly. Will Call if any issues arise. Base tune cost = $64. Full tune cost = $74.  Add'l damage cost = $15 increments. Wax (with a hot iron) cost = $25.

Hollidays subject to earlier hours

Drop-Off & Return

We Tune, Wax, Finish payment on card, Return ski to Rack for following morning. 


Edgewerks is Not responsible for any equipment in Rack.  Both parties understand and agree: Rack is unsecured and unattended 

Date Selected:



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